Climate History Syllabi

Have you taught a course about climate history? Do you have a syllabus we can publish? If so, send it to Dr. Dagomar Degroot. 

Dagomar Degroot, Associate Professor of Environmental History, Georgetown University.

Ancient Climate Changes,” an upper-year undergraduate seminar.

The Little Ice Age: Volcanoes and Crises in the Pre-Modern World,” a half-semester seminar in the Core Pathway on Climate Change at Georgetown.

Global Warming: Causes, Consequences, and Controversy,” a half-semester seminar in the Core Pathway on Climate Change at Georgetown.

Sam White, Associate Professor of Environmental History, Ohio State University.

"Climate Change in World History

The Little Ice Age

The Year without a Summer

Andy Bruno, Associate Professor of Environmental History, Florida State University.

Climate in History.”

Additional Teaching Resources

Past Actions, Present Woes.

A detailed guide for teaching climate change through the lens of history, developed by a small team associated with the Rescue!History network.

Climate Tipping Points.

A student-driven project that maps the local consequences of climate change in the past, present, and projected future. All students at all universities may participate, or use the accessible tools for climate reconstruction and simulation that are listed on the website. Contact Dagomar Degroot for more information.

Weathered Histories.

Weathered Histories is an online visual exhibition that guides viewers through millennia of human experiences and adaptations to climatic changes and extreme weather.